Udicus File Manager: Table of Contents

Table of Contents

User Docs:
Basic Features
Addt. Features
Tips & Tricks

Dev Docs:
Prog. Tools

Known Bugs

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This Manual will first give you an insight into using the Udicus File Manager, which is essentially a data file translation and manipulation utility. A second part of this manual is dedicated to the details of the implementation of this file manager, and how you can continue to upgrade, update and expand Udicus.

Table of Contents

  1. History, Credits and Legal
  2. User's Manual:
  3. Developer's Docs:

Feedback, Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Please post all your comments, questions, suggestions, bug reports, etc. on the Udicus File Manager Sourceforge project page, located at http://sourceforge.net/projects/udicus/
If you're interested in expanding the File Manager yourself, or giving continued input to the development of the File Manager, we suggest you join our Sourceforge mailing list, udicus-general@lists.sourceforge.net.

© 2001 SRI International, Inc., contact skander@skander.com