Udicus File Manager: History, Credits and Legal

Table of Contents

User Docs:
Basic Features
Addt. Features
Tips & Tricks

Dev Docs:
Prog. Tools

Known Bugs

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The Udicus File Manager was created to fill a communication gap between the several recording programs used in sleep research animal labs. We were setting up the Embla Somnologica hardware and software set from Flaga hf., the Mini-Mitter ER4000's with VitalView and the ClockLab running wheels, infra-red motion detectors and recording software, and we realized that there was no way to combine data channels to post process them jointly. For example, you couldn't setup a running wheel detector, an IR detector and a Mini-Mitter E-mitter implant on the same rodent because the first two motion channels were recorded by ClockLab, and the other two, temperature and motion detected by the E-mitter, were recorded by VitalView. These two programs output their data in completely different file formats, and it was impossible to load the data into a single statistics program.
We decided to make our own stand alone program that could translate the different file formats as well as do a few more advanced features, like channel alignment, for example.
We started programming on Monday, February 5th, 2001, and had a fully working first beta version by February 28th, 2001.

The authors of the Udicus File Manager are Kai Schutte and Ark Gozubuyuk, while Laura Domey helped with some of the documentation. The three of us, Ark, Laura and Kai, have been working at the Pharmaceutical Discovery Division of SRI International in Menlo Park, CA, USA, as students working in partial fulfillment of our degree under the Major Qualifying Project (MQP) program of the Electrical Engineering department and the Computer Science department of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute of Worcester, MA, USA. Involved in counseling the development of the Udicus File Manager were: Thomas Kilduff, PhD, Stephen Morairty, PhD and Ben Brown of SRI International, Paul Franken, PhD, of Stanford University, David Finkel, PhD, and R. James Duckworth, PhD, of Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The software was developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 exclusively.

The Udicus File Manager is being released and distributed under the GNU Public License, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for more information. All source code, except Udcs\EmblaHelper.cpp and Udcs\EmblaHelper.h, and all documentation is copyrighted to SRI International, Inc., and was written by Kai Schutte (skander@skander.com) and Ark Gozubuyuk.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

Embla and Somnologica are trademarks owned by Flaga hf. (http://www.flaga.is/)
Vital-View is a registered trademark of the Mini Mitter Co., Inc. (http://www.minimitter.com/)
Clocklab is a trademark of Actimetrics, Inc. (http://www.actimetrics.com/)

© 2001 SRI International, Inc., contact skander@skander.com