Udicus File Manager: Udcs Utility functions

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General utility functions

The functions mentioned below are accessible by including the file "udcs.h" and preceding the function names by 'Udcs::' . These functions are part of the Udcs class, but are static, so they don't need an actual instantiation of the class.

string& read_str(FILE* fd, string& ret);
read_str reads a raw character string from the file descriptor fd until it hits a NULL character, then returns the string (see Microsoft standard library) object in ret.

void setbit(unsigned char* map, unsigned __int64 bit_idx);
setbit sets the bit_idx'th bit in array map to 1 without modifying any others.

void clearbit(unsigned char*map, unsigned __int64 bit_idx);
clearbit sets the bit_idx'th bit in array map to 0 without modifying any others.

bool isbitset(unsigned char byte, unsigned char bit);
isbitset checks whether the bit'th bit of byte is set. If it is, returns true, otherwise false.

bool isbitset(unsigned char* map, unsigned __int64 bit_idx);
isbitset checks whether the bit_idx'th bit of array map is set. If it is, returns true, otherwise false.

float size_of(unsigned char pdp_flag);
returns the byte size of a sample, according to the PDP_FLAG_ISXXXX flag system.

unsigned __int64 byte_size_of_samples(unsigned __int64 sample_count, unsigned char type_flag);
returns the total byte size of sample_count number of samples, according to the PDP_FLAG_ISXXXX flag system.

static unsigned __int64 bit_size_of(unsigned char pdp_flag);
returns the number of bits that a data type describe by pdp_flag (according to the PDP_FLAG_ISXXXX flag system) would need.

static unsigned int size_of_valid_map(UdcsChannel* c);
returns what should be the size of the valid_map according the c->data_type and c->sample_count.

static bool toFile_help_write_str(string& str, FILE* fd);
writes the contents of string object 'str' into the file descriptor fd. returns true on success

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