Udicus File Manager: Additional Features

Table of Contents

User Docs:
Basic Features
Addt. Features
Tips & Tricks

Dev Docs:
Prog. Tools

Known Bugs

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Channel Generator:

The Channel Generator, accessible from the Channel menu in the main dialog window, allows you to generate almost any simple sinusoidal or linear signal. While the channel generator was mainly added to Udicus to make debugging and testing the program easier, it could be used to test other programs or to mimic a signal.

The channel generation dialog, displayed on the left, allows you to edit almost every detail on how a signal is stored internally in Udicus.
Start by setting the sample interval to the desired setting: note that the number must be written in milliseconds, and the sample rate is the inverse of the sample interval.
The sample storage combo box allows you to choose which data type to store your signal in. The names refer to data types as used in the C programming language. There is a table at the bottom of this page summarizing the features of their characteristics.
The Signal subsection of options allows you to enable the generation of different types of signals. Noise adds pseudo-random values to each sample, Sinusoid uses the standard sine function to create a periodic wave of the given frequency and finally the Constant option adds the same number to each sample. The amplitude percentages are relative to the clipping point of the signal, so that the signal generator will always generate a noticeable signal.
When entering the start date, you must make sure that you use the format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm. The end date of the signal is calculated from the number of signals you order to generate the sample interval entered at the top of the dialog.
The extra info set of edit boxes allow you to set the names of various channel variables that describe the channel. The first two and the last one should be self explanatory, but the Channel Type and the Unit Name variable follow a specific format that must be followed (see UDCS Developer's Manual).


Table of data types for the sample storage option:
Name Size Can hold value of type...
bool 1 bit true/false
nibble 4 bit integers from 0 to 15
u_char 1 byte integers from 0 to 255
char 1 byte integers from -127 to 127
u_short 2 bytes integers from 0 to 65535
short 2 bytes integers from -32765 to 32765
u_int 4 bytes integers from 0 to 2^32
int 4 bytes integers from -2^31 to 2^31
u_long 8 bytes integers from 0 to 2^64
long 8 bytes integers from -2^63 to 2^63
float 4 bytes

low precision decimal numbers

double 8 bytes high precision decimal numbers
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