Udicus File Manager: UDCS File Format

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The UDCS File Format

The UDCS file format is meant as a compact and truly universal format that can accommodate any type of channel-type data. If used properly, it barely wastes a byte while giving a very large span of choices on the precision/fidelity of a recording. It has minimal limitations to it, both in its date format, and in its sample rate, size and count. You should also read the UdcsChannel Class documentation to read more about each variable mentioned here.

File Structure:
The file starts with 5 null-terminated character strings, which are: the group name (or experiment name), the subject name (subject/animal/individual name), the channel type (what was recorded), unit name (units, following the UDCS Units Specification) and the original format (if the recording originates from a different recording program, this should contain its name). We suggest you use something like this to read a null-terminated string:

char buff[] = {1, 0};
string ret = "";
while ( (fread(&buff, 1, 1, fd) == 1) && buff[0] != 0) r
et += buff;
if (buff[0] != 0)
throw UdcsException(string("Error while reading file."));
return ret;

Next are the start and end time of the recording, noted in two 8 byte integers each to note the year and the number of milliseconds into that year. You can use the Date Class's read(FILE* fd) method to read in these two dates. (see Date Class documentation).
After that come two 8 byte integers. The first notes the sample rate (number of sample per 24 hours) and the second the sample count of the data channel.
Then comes a single byte that should be read in as an unsigned char. This contains a bitmap to determine the data type of the channel. (see UdcsChannel Class documentation).
Finally comes the validity bitmap and the actual data values. The length of the valid map can be determined with the size_of_valid_map method of the Udcs class, or by doing the following:

unsigned int ret = (c->sample_count%8)?1:0;
ret += c->sample_count/8;
return ret;

This returns the top of sample_count/8. The valid bitmap should be read in as an unsigned char array, and each bit in this array correspond by index to each data value in the data value array. A true bit denotes the data value as valid and a false bit marks it as invalid.
Now we have to read in an array of size sample_count * Udcs::size_of(data_type), of type described in data_type.

UDCS does have some limitations, but compared to even a contemporary supercomputer's capacities, these limits are several tens of orders of magnitudes higher.
Date: maximum range is 1/1/0000 00:00:00:000 to 31:12:2^64 23:59:59:999, resolution is millisecond.
Sample rate: maximum range is 1 samples/day to 2^64 samples/day, ie 1/(60*60*24) Hz to ~213.5 THz, resolution is samples/day.
Storage size: maximum range is 0 to 2^64 data points. (~8.77 trillion years of recording at 200Hz, 584 years at 1GHz), resolution is 1 data point.
Storage type: maximum range is 1 bit to 64 bits, unsigned and floats are supported.

© 2001 SRI International, Inc., contact skander@skander.com